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Monday, September 17, 2012

Time Saver Tip

Here are some helpful time saving tips to economize on time during the shopping, cutting and cooking for your favorite homemade meals:

  • The readiness of professional cooks can be brought to the home kitchen since many vegetables can be cut in advance and stored in either airtight containers or covered bowls in the refrigerator. Sturdy produce like broccoli and carrots can be cut and stored along with other ingredients that are used at the same time, whereas more moist or pungent ingredients like onion or peppers should be stored separately.

  • Dishes with multiple components like a sauce or topping, such as a stir-fry or pasta dish, can often be partially made, reserving the final stages of assembly and cooking for the last minute to ensure freshness. The majority of casseroles can be made completely in advance and refrigerated in their baking dishes, due to their often hearty ingredients and built-in reheating time. Recipes to avoid when thinking about partially cooking are those that contain ingredients that require delicate or quick cooking like wilted greens or seared shrimp

  • Another way to save time in the preparation and cooking  your favorite recipes is to choose wholesome shortcut ingredients from the grocery store that lend a handful of saved minutes as well as nutrition to your meal. Keep a stock of canned beans, grains and dried pastas in your pantry and fill the freezer with boxes of precut or partially cooked vegetables like frozen spinach or chopped broccoli.

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