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Monday, September 24, 2012

Southern Thangs

ran across these on a fellow southern's cooking website and i though it would be something worth sharing. if your from the south i am sure you have heard most if not all of the following:


1. Too lazy to hit a lick at a snake
2. So tired ah’m dead on mah feet
3. Crooked az a dawg’s hind laigs
4. Grinnin’ like a baked possum
5. Fastah than greased lightnin
6. Slow az molasses in January
7. High az a kite
8. Dry az a bone
9. Wild az a buck
10.Blind az a bat


Airish – cool
Biggety – hauty
Buzzard Bait – worn out hoss
Cow grease – buttah
Fahunah – not a native southernah
Hoppin Mad – angry
Jump the broom – marry
Kitchen safe – cupboard
Lunk haid – dumb
Mitey nigh – almost
Marble orchard – cemetary
No a’count – good for nothing
Persnickity – strange or peculiar
Pig Trail – small side road
Rot Gut – bad liquor
Shet – close
Tolerable – feelin pretty good
Well heeled – well off

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