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Monday, September 10, 2012

Event Tips

Here are some tips for any event that your planing, so dont wait till the last minute. Depending on the event you will need to give your self some time like from a week for a simple BBQ gathering to a few months for a Christmas party. so here are some things to remember:

  • Make a plan: Decide on the theme or occasion, the time and place, number of guests, the food and drinks, and the décor. For a planning details see the following for a Entertaining Guide.
  • Make a list: What needs to be done? When does it need to be done? What can you do ahead of time? Make a battle plan, adjusting as you go, and cutting out the unimportant things if you end up tight on time.
  • Leave your party groceries in the bags: Once you have put away all of the perishable goods, leave the rest in the bags and place them off to the side so you don’t have to go hunting for them later.
  • Use a combination of homemade and purchased foods: If you have the time and resources to make everything from scratch, great! Many of us don’t, however, or, even if we do, we are bound to run out of time or to have forgotten that one essential ingredient, so it’s best to have at least one or two purchased foods on hand at all times that you can prepare quickly and easily if needed.
  • Pull out all of your serving dishes and utensils and set the table a day ahead of time so you aren’t rushing to do so at the last minute.
  • If you’re running out of time, go back to the basics: Get the most essential things done first. Take a walk through your home (or the venue) from the door through all of the spaces your guests will venture, note the things they are most likely to notice and leave the rest for another day.
  • Watch your local sales for any items that you may need, this will save you a good bit of money depending on how far in advance the event is.

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