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Saturday, June 14, 2014

Household Tips

Household Tips

Cleaning. Booo. What do you mean that I have to do more than one big spring cleaning?! The good news it that I found a great roundup to help out. There are some wonderful tips to help make cleaning easier, better, and get it over with more quickly. I will do anything to get back to relaxing in the summer sun.

Living Room
When cleaning start with jobs that need dry cleaning, such as dusting and sweeping. Then move on to ‘wet’ cleaning such as using glass cleaner and polish. This ensures that less dirt will float around in the air and then cling to the wet surfaces.

Ditch the polish and just use a damp cloth for the furniture. A damp cloth also holds the dust rather than just spreading it around.

Remove marks from wooden furniture by cutting a walnut in two and rubbing its raw edge along the grain of the wood.

Use a banana skin to dust plants – the dust clings to the skin and the juice nourishes the leaves.

Clean the inside of a dirty vase by filling it with vinegar and a handful of dry rice and give it a good swirl around

Stop static electricity on your TV by wiping with a tumble dryer sheet.

Make your wood shine by polishing it with a solution of two parts olive oil to one part lemon juice.

Bathroom Room

Place an opened box of bicarbonate of soda behind the toilet to absorb nasty odours.

To organize clutter in the bathroom, purchase an attractive storage container with a handle on top. Place all of your accessories such as hair spray and lotion, in the container and place under the sink. Take the container out when you are ready to use it and then put it back under the sink when you are finished with it.

Unblock a sink by putting a handful of bicarbonate of soda down the drain followed by a cup of vinegar, wait a few hours then pour in a kettle full of boiling water.

If your shower doors are looking a bit dull, use a fabric softener sheet to get them gleaming again. The sheets contain ingredients that soften up water deposit build ups allowing you to wipe them off easily. Wipe down your shower doors a good wipe down with a few sheets and it will leave them looking terrific (and smelling lovely).

Freshen sinks by popping two fizzy indigestion tablets and 250ml of vinegar down the plug hole.

After a shower, quickly give the doors and tiles a quick rinse off. This will help prevent the build-up of soap scum.

To keep shower tiles cleaner for longer wax them with car polish after giving them a good clean. This will help stop the grime from sticking to them.

Shine up your bathroom taps with a dab of white toothpaste. Rub with a cloth and then rinse off.

Use flat cola to clean your toilet. Yes, really. Pour a can of flat cola into the toilet pan and leave for half an hour. When you then flush the lime-scale will have dissolved and your toilet will come up lovely and shiny. (Makes me rather concerned about what cola does to our insides when we drink it!!)

When cleaning, little and often is so much less stressful than having to spend a whole day at the weekend going through the house. Clean the bathroom after your shower in the morning. A quick spray around with some cleaner whilst everything is coated in hot steam helps the cleaning and it only takes a few minutes. The bathroom is then always bright and shiny and clean

For a clean, fresh smell in your bathroom, place a dryer/fabric softener sheet in your bathroom’s bin.

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