normally when you get back from your weekly grocery run you start putting stuff away. well when you get ready to put the frozen items up, step back and take a minute. if you put them in as you got them then your may not have enough space for everything and then you start pulling out stuff and moving it around. here is a simple tip that will make things a bit easier.
if the frozen item comes in a box and is in a sealed package then just store it in the package and remove the box.
if your have meats then get out your zip top Baggies and repackage them which will make for easier storage
what i have done in my freezer is separate my items, i know it sounds a bit OCD but for me it makes find things easier, my freezer has a storage drawer at the bottom so this is where i put my bacon packages (box removed) so it looks a bit like a file folder. then i have my meats on one rack and so on. my friends are always commenting or making fun of me on how organized my cabinets and refrigerator are
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